Pictured above left to right: Northwest Community Bank Commercial Lender, SVP Dan Sullivan; ResoluteFIT CEO Rob Olson; Northwest Community Bank Simsbury & Granby Branch Manager, AVP Andrew St. Onge.
ResoluteFIT’s Rob Olson: “I found the right match with our business mission and Northwest Community Bank. Dan has been a responsive ally in our success – listening, understanding and assisting us with our move to Granby in 2021.
“For our ongoing operating needs, I know I can count on Andy and the bank’s team in Simsbury. And I actually enjoy visiting the branch!
“In short, my bank gets it. We have an easy working relationship and share core values about people and being a real community.”
About ResoluteFIT: Based on Rob Olson’s training as a Navy SEAL and now with over 9 years of CrossFit Coaching experience, ResoluteFIT offers Coach-led, small-size fitness classes and personal training. Coaching and Education are extremely important, along with healthy eating and lifestyle. His goal is to empower members to live their best lives from being happy and healthy. Learn more at weareresolutefit.com